Ryheim Hall Scores PR at Towson Invitational

Ryheim Hall Scores PR at Towson Invitational

Ryheim Hall Scores PR at Towson Invitational

Soph runner improves his 800m time by three seconds


April 4, 2022 - Towson, MD


The weather in Towson wasn't as warm and inviting as the team's season opener in Richmond, but the two weeks of training paid off for the Cardinal T&F team.  The Towson Invitational was an excellent chance for the team to gauge where their training is in a competitive setting against MD local schools.  Still too early for peak performances, but good to see what direction training in going.  For sophomore Ryheim Hall, that direction was positive.


Ryheim is still new to the middle-distance events having played football in high school and never running a season of cross country while sprinting during outdoor track.  But with each race, he is learning more and more.  The lesson learned on Saturday at Towson Univ was mental toughness.


Coach Pryor has been working on Ryheim's mental preparation and race day execution. His times in practice indicate that he should be running much fast than the results he is producing. If the mind can get in tune with the body, the execution will follow.  On Saturday, Ryheim's mind got a little more in tune with his body which produced a 3 sec improvement in his 800m career best.  In the middle-distance events, big improvements are not un-common.  They key is to continue that improvement race to race.


Adam Lmansour was looking for the same type of improvement in his time from his race at Richmond.  While his mind was more than willing, his body was not ready to cooperate. Adam is of the Islamic faith.  In the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, Muslims worldwide observe RAMADAN which is a month of fasting, prayer, reflection, and community. The fasting involves refraining from eating any food or drink.  For an athlete, this can reduce their energy levels needed for athletic performances. It takes a few days to adjust his body while fasting to practice and track meets.


The team will only have three days before their next scheduled competition on April 6th at the Delaware State Sting Invite.  Recovery will be the key for their bodies and a day technical work. After Delaware State, the team will then travel to West Chester PA on April 9th.  Coach Pryor calls these series of competitions a "test of one's fitness", replicating how the National Championship schedule is set where athletes are competing with only 1-2 days recovery between races.


GO CARDINALS!!!!!  #JUCOproduct